Monday, September 30, 2019

A sepatate peace

Life passes at a glance what once was the center of your world given time will shrink away till it is barely recognizable to you. So enjoy every moment savor every experience. † . He go away with everything because of the extraordinary kind of person he was. It was quite a compliment to me, as a matter of fact, to have such a person choose me for his best friend†¦ † Chap 2, peg 21 know, if Gene doesn't watch himself he'll become such a person. †¦Between the buildings, elms curved so high that you ceased to remember their height until you looked above the familiar trunks and the lowest umbrellas of leaves and took in the lofty complex they held high above, branches and branches of branches, a world of branches with an†¦ Please note! This is not an example of text written by our writers! Cassiopeia. Com is a database of essays that were collected at open web resources. You can use them at you own risk following the citation rules below.But we recommend you to order a custom plagiarism-free essay written Just for you from one of our writers. Place an order, add your paper details and enjoy the results! You can keep in touch with your writer, check the draft of your paper and send your order for revision for free. If you are hesitating to place an order – Just ask for a quote!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Starbucks Strengths and Weaknesses

After reading Starbucks’ â€Å"Management Discussion and Analysis† portion of its 10-K, it is apparent that the company currently possesses a highly competitive position and progressive management strategy. Starbucks’ top position in its industry and management strategy comes from the fact that this company has multiple areas of strength and lacks overwhelming weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses with regard to a firm like Starbucks are based on the internal factors relating to a company.The internal analysis of Starbucks shows that it enjoys much strength as a company. When analyzing the strategic management of a company, a strength is defined as a firm’s â€Å"resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage† (QuickMBA). The â€Å"Management Discussion and Analysis† section of the Starbucks Annual Report features many strengths according to this definition. Starbucks’ capabilities go way b eyond simply selling coffee at Starbucks shops in America.In fiscal 2012, Starbucks experienced a 7 percent growth in global store sales, 50 percent increase in â€Å"Channel Development,† and 20 percent raise in licensed stores revenue (SBUX 2012 Annual Report, 25). This fact alone presents multiple strengths Starbucks has. Starbucks has stores and a positive presence implanted in multiple countries divided into the three sectors of the Americas, â€Å"EMEA† (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and â€Å"CAP† (China/Asia Pacific). Additionally, Starbucks maintains the operating segment of â€Å"Channel Development† which focuses on the sale of Starbucks and Tazo branded K-Cups and other beverage innovations.As stated before, this segment of Starbucks’ operations witnessed a 50 percent increase in revenues in fiscal 2012 which shows how strong Starbucks as a firm really is. On top of these optimistic facts, Starbucks simply continues to show its stre ngth with regard to its market dominance and brand-name recognition throughout America and other countries. On the other side of the internal analysis of Starbucks, few weaknesses are present within the company. A weakness can be looked at as â€Å"the absence of certain strengths. For example, a lack of patent protection, weak brand name, poor reputation among customers, high cost structure, lack of access to the best natural resources, or a lack of access to key distribution channels can all be classified as a Company’s weaknesses (QuickMBA). Starbucks, however, does not appear to possess any of these weaknesses. Especially since Green Mountain Coffee’s expiration of their patent for K-Cup, Starbucks has not been hindered by access to key distribution in their Channel Development sector (Daily Finance).This area of focus may be one of Starbucks’ weaknesses though because, unlike Starbucks franchises throughout America that basically stand untouched compared t o other coffee shops, Starbucks branded K-Cups compete with many other viable brands such as Green Mountain Coffee in the home-brewed portable coffee sector of the coffee industry. Additionally, Starbucks’ expansion into other countries, although proving to produce positive income, can be looked at as a weakness. For example, Starbucks’ presence in Europe has received some resistance due to the strong European â€Å"cafe culture† and preference for different â€Å"regional tastes† (NY Times).In summation, Starbucks has a positive future and experienced a fiscal year filled with strengths and few weaknesses in 2012. Its main strength as a firm is the powerful brand and presence that has been established by Starbucks. This strength is supplemented by Starbucks’ expansion into multiple countries and different areas within the market for coffee including K-Cups. Starbucks’ weaknesses seem to be associated with its strengths stemming from expansi on, which is seemingly normal and acceptable.To increase the firm’s strengths and mitigate its weaknesses, Starbucks senior management plans to â€Å"focus on achieving sustainable growth from established international markets while at the same time investing in emerging markets, such as China† (Starbucks Annual Report, 27). Additionally, Starbucks management seeks to expand upon its Channel Development segment by developing new innovations and ready-to-drink beverages, which will simultaneously bolster their internal strength and disintegrate the current weakness of having less establishment and dominance in this area of the coffee industry.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Role of Fertility and Population in Economic Growth: Empirical Results from Aggregate Cross-National Data

The role of fertility and population in economic growth: Empirical results from aggregate cross-national data James A. Brander and Steve Dowrick Journal of Population Economics 7(1), pp. 1-25. August 12, 1993 =============================================================== Brander and Dowrick’s (1993) used new sets of data to look at how population growth and fertility affect economic growth. This paper discusses how population growth has varied throughout history. Finding that high birthrates reduce economic growth by â€Å"investment effects† and through â€Å"capital dilution†.Also when birth rates were lowered that income per capita increased. Brander and Dowrick (1993) start by giving statistics on how the population has grown over a few periods of time and highlighte that the population has recently been increasing very quickly. This paper mentions that the growth rates peaked in the 1970’s and are currently slowing down a little. This attributes the increase in the population growth rate to technological innovations, improvements in food (both production and availability), and to increases in health care and sanitation. This increase in population growth rate slowed down economic growth.This paper used data from Summers and Heston (1991) and United Nations World Population Prospects (1992). The data was separated into two time periods, one from 1960-1965 the other from 1980-1985. It suggested that from 1980-1985 there is a more negative relationship between population growth and per capita output growth compared to 1960-1965. Also per capita growth rate are 3. 28% less in 1980-1985 compared to 1960-1965 (page 20). This is attributed to a slow down in technological progress but also mention a doubling of population in the less developed countries.This slow down in per capita growth could have just been an illusion caused by an extremely high rate of growth in the 1960 while the growth rate in 1980 was normal. The Paper suggests that the main factor in the varying per capital income growth among countries the variation in the birthrates. The change in birth rates affects the labour supply. The most basic economic model backs this up. We are taught that as supply decreases, or the quantity of workers goes down, the price to go up. This means the wage for each worker would increase.Oppositely if the birth rates increase, this means that there will be more workers, causing their wage (price) to go down. This data suggest that high birth rates decrease the investment in human capital. This may be true or it may be true that there is a constant amount of investment and as the quantity of children increase there is a dilution of the investment. This paper does not provide a value for life expectancy for the 1960-1965 period nor the 1980-1985 periods or if the life expectancy changed over these time periods.This statistic would allow the reader to understand whether the parents are not investing into their childre n because they do not believe they will reach adulthood (if life expectancy was very low), or if any changes in life expectancy can account for an increase in investment in their children. If the life expectancy were low it would promote an underinvestment in human capital. This would slow down or even reduce the economic growth rate. The reader must assume that the life expectancy does not change and that this was not a factor in choosing whether or not to invest in their children.As birthrates fall, in countries with high initial birth rates, investment in education per children increased. This investment in human capital promotes a more intelligent worker allowing their productivity to increase. The growth rate of per capita income also increased. The general trend that a decreasing birth rate would increase per capita income was obvious. It was not clear on the magnitude of this trend. Countries with low initial birth rates had a positive relationship with investment. Other ways to look at the data are suggested in this paper.The data could have been split up into children and adults because children need to consume less to achieve the same amount of welfare. A few externalities were not taken into account when calculating welfare. Some examples of externalities include environmental standards, policing, or freedom of speech. Since there are some things that you cannot put an absolute dollar amount on, they cannot be examined in this paper. Meaning it is somewhat incomplete. This paper mainly outlines how population growth has changed throughout history.Two different time periods, 1960-1965 and 1980-1985, are looked at to see how the relationship between population growth and per capita output growth changed. It also looked at how the fertility rate affects labour supply and how that affects per capita income. This paper demonstrates the relationship between different birth rate and different amounts of investment in human capital. Other way to examine the evidence and other way to improve the argument of the paper are also mentioned. The paper shows that, the birth rate was lower in 1980.Also, in both time periods, as fertility increased wages decrease and lower fertility rates increased investment per child leading to a more educated and productive workforce. It also suggests that high birth rates reduce output and that a decline in fertility can lead to increase in output per person. References Brander, J. A. , & Dowrick, S. (1994). The role of fertility and population in economic growth: Empirical results from aggregate cross-national data. Journal of Population Economics, 7(1), pp. 1-25. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/stable/20007418

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership------read the requirement i send you carefully Essay - 1

Leadership------read the requirement i send you carefully - Essay Example Japan, China and USA. Finally the study will be concluding with an insight the recommendations to the managers of the organizations to enhance the domestic as well as international leadership. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Definition 4 Differences between domestic and international leaders competencies 5 Domestic Leadership Competencies 5 International Leadership Competencies 6 Leadership in domestic and international business 6 Discussion 7 Leadership styles & culture studies 7 Cross Cultural Leadership Model 9 Comparison of Domestic and International Leadership 10 Japan 10 China 11 USA 12 Conclusion 13 Japan 13 China 14 USA 15 Reference list 16 Introduction Definition Leadership can be described as a procedure to have supremacy on the group performance in order to reach to the business objectives. It plays an important role within the functioning of an organization. The incorporation of leadership theories or models helps in reducing various organi zational issues (Howell and Costley, 2001; Johnson, 2000). In this twentieth century, it has been evident that leadership characteristics have high importance in the efficient functioning in an organization (Song, Wang, and Wei, 2007). For eliminating the organizational issues and bringing a change within the organization, it is essential that the managers incorporate various leadership characteristics in their functioning (Yukl, 2009; Rees and French, 2010). There are mainly two types of leadership adapted by the leaders within the organizations. One is transactional leadership and the other is the transformational leadership. In transactional leadership, the leaders first set the objectives and goals for all the subordinates and then plans for implementation of different rewarding and punishment techniques in order to encourage them in conducting their operational activities according to the organizational objectives and goals. In transformational leadership, the transformational leaders first identify the required change and then set one vision thereby bringing the change process Transformational Leadership and Domestic Leadership- The transformational leaders believe in imaginative leadership for influencing the subordinates. They believe in strengthening the bonding with the followers and thereby building compassionate relationship with them. The domestic leaders follow transformational leadership for motivating the followers and encouraging them in making better performance. It becomes easy for the domestic leaders to develop compassionate relationship with the subordinates as there is no existence of cultural diversification. Thus form of leadership does not rely on the monetary rewarding techniques such as incentives, bonuses etc. Transactional leadership and International Leadership - The transactional leaders make detailed planning of whatever us going to be executed. These leaders prefer efficient organizations with high quality employees. These lea ders motivate their employees by means of practical methods rather than inspiration. It is so because only inspiration does not work out to be effective for the employees at certain point of time. In such a situation, it is essential to satisfy them by means of monetary rewards such as incentives or bonuses. The international leaders follow this form of leadership as it becomes easy for them to influence the subordinates by providing monetary rewards. Satisfying their demands would

Thursday, September 26, 2019

CNC-CMM & Poisson Distribution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CNC-CMM & Poisson Distribution - Coursework Example (Spitz Steven Nadav, 1999) A whole set of comprehensive algorithms are used to generate program in the CNC or Computer Numerically Controlled machine so that that the CMM is completely automated and the dimensions obtained are exact after accounting all the tolerances. Source:, 2006, measuring surface profiles of cars The Inspection probing system Probes are usually classified as contact probes and non-contact probes. Contact probes generate dimensions by physically touching the work piece while non-contact probes do not require physical contact. (Spitz Steven Nadav, 1999) Hard probes are the most simple of probes; the accuracy of which depends on the skill of the operator. The probe is made to have contact with the component and the dimensions generated after compensating for probe diameter. These are used to measure distances between components and diameter and the angles at which bores are located in a work piece. (Genest David, 1999) Source:, 200 6, Inspection probing system Touch trigger probes remove the manual part of scanning. An LED is used to generate a signal when the probe touches the surface of the work piece. ... Genest David, 1999), 2006,Stresses & displacement of an I beam of rail track Analog scanning probes are used to map surfaces of crankshafts and turbine blades. These are capable of continuously scanning large surfaces and generate analog output in the forms of contours and images. Irregular and complex shapes can be measured using this probe. This has two systems namely the open loop system and closed loop system. The open loop system senses the change is surface profile and adjusts itself automatically to retain contact with the surface. The open loop system on the other hand is driven along a predefined profile that is already present in the data base. It then generates an output regarding the degree of deviation of the measured profile from the standard piece. (Genest David, 1999) The non contact probes are the most effective way of generating data since contact between the probe and the work piece is done away with thereby reducing measuring errors. These laser probes direct a laser beam on the surface of the work piece. Its position is measured using the triangulation technique onto the probe receptor., 2006, Comparing actual and true surfaces Vision probe is another non contact probe which are give quite accurate results of small 2-D parts at very fast pace. This generates a number of measuring points on the image taken which are then compared to a standard work piece product. This gives us an inference about the deviations of the product from the ideal one. (Genest David, 1999) Communication standards The Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) improves the interaction between the computer aided systems like CAD/ CAM and the CMM machine to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the manufacturing process.


INFORMATION RETRIEVAL THROUGH MULTI AGENT SYSTEM WITH DATA MINING - Research Paper Example a practically implemented research model for the information retrieval using Multi-Agent System with Data Mining technique in a Cloud Computing environment. The paper will undertake a review of the existing literature available on this arena and develop an empirical model showing real time data flow through MAS with data mining after retrieval of meaningful information from data warehouse present in a cloud computing environment. In the end, paper will provide recommendations for the organizations for effective implementation and use. Cloud Computing is a general term that refers to anything that â€Å"involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Broadly it is characterized into three categories, namely: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)† (‘CloudComputing’, 2007). In the present age and knowledge economy, discovering new knowledge and retrieving information from a data center from a cloud environment is a difficult aspect. The concept of cloud computing does not provide facilities for the knowledge discovery and information retrieval. Furthermore, it is required that the so-called knowledge discovery should be in harmony with the structure, schema and architecture of that knowledge. The emerging knowledge cloud is considered insufficient to retrieve information effectively and thus, Chang, Yang and Luo (2011) undertook a study to propose "an ontology-based agent generation framework for information retrieval in a flexible, transparent and easy way on cloud environment† (p.1135). They proposed a framework for information retrieval in which the user will submit "a flat-test based† request to retrieve â€Å"information on a cloud environment†, the request will be â€Å"deduced by a Reasoning Agent automatically that is accord ing to a predefined ontology and a reasoning rule and then translated to a Mobile Information Retrieving Agent Description File (MIRADF) that is formed in a proposed

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Linking Sexual Satisfaction and Exercise Research Paper - 1

Linking Sexual Satisfaction and Exercise - Research Paper Example   The participants consisted of undergraduate students enrolled in health science courses and were 408 in number. It was conducted on a voluntary basis, and anonymity of the participants was ensured. They were to fill a cross-sectional questionnaire of 130-items. The questionnaire was able to collect information concerning demographic variables, perceived fitness, exercise frequency, the perception of sexual desirability, and sexual performance. Data analysis involve the use of SAS programs and chi-square and mainly based on gender. Females were more than the males while ethnically, the Caucasian was the majority. Ninety percent of males who reported their fitness level being above average rated their sexual desirability and sexual performance as above average or more above average. In the case of females, it was indicated that there was no association between exercise frequency, sexual performance, and sexual desirability. Seventy-one percent of females who rated their fitness lev el being much above average had their sexual desirability above average or more above average. Significant gender differences were noted for sexual performance and sexual desirability by exercise frequency and by fitness. From the data that was gathered and analyzed it was found that higher levels of fitness and longer exercise frequency improved the perception of sexual desirability and sexual performance.   The research also demonstrated that constant physical activity provides benefits to one's psychological well-being.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Microeconomics - Essay Example It is well known that when there is a draught there will be water shortage, and when there is water shortage there will be spells of draught. The effects of draught can be linked with meteorological, hydrological, or agricultural aspects and it is a major influence on the social and economic activities of a given region. The role of water in natural calamities is paramount. Heavy downpours cause flood, and scarcity of rain lead to drought. Continued spells of draught results in shortage of water in the region. These two phenomena are beyond human control and their aftermaths have long lasting effects on the economy of a nation. Drought can be attributed to proximity to equator, geographic position, and the lack of greenbelt in a region. When a nation is dependent on agriculture for their economic growth, unexpected seasonal changes hamper their future prospects. During drought there is scarcity of water and continuous heat wave, which damages crop and livestock. Deforestation and reduced greenbelt are also conducive to drought and desertification. Thus, shortage of water can be construed as the one of the major reasons fo r drought. Water is the most abundant natural resource. Yet, the planet is running out of freshwater sources. The rapid increase in world population and recurrence of drought further aggravate the situation. It is estimated that by 2025 two-thirds of world’s population could live in countries with severe water shortage. (Icenhower, June 2006). Though drought is an imminent danger, people tend to consider it as a normal part of the climatic condition. With expanding deserts, deforestation, and growing droughts, compounded with increasing demand of freshwater for human consumption, everyone should be concerned about the potential worldwide calamity caused by diminishing water supply. Due to the random nature of its

Monday, September 23, 2019

Motivation Technique for Site Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motivation Technique for Site Manager - Essay Example The sponsors of the project issued warnings regarding the typical constraints presented in an underdeveloped country. The Site manager is required to explain the situation to his workers and to motivate them in order to win the competition, they need to keep in mind that there is time constraint and might be supplies and materials constraints, in general situations which they have not been exposed to. There are several techniques used to motivate the employees, the site manager will attempt to emphasize on the techniques presented by Businessballs website and by 5000 website. The construction job is to be divided in several different phases. Some of them can be performed at the same time, and some of them should be performed one after the other. The first phase is the mobilise the personnel into the job site, that is to set up offices and a warehouse to keep all the construction equipment and different supplies. The offices could be empty containers which are easily transported and suited of different purposes. The personnel required for this phase is the site manager, head engineer and 6 construction workers. The next phase is to hire a topographer team in order to verify the configuration of the road. In highly developed countries this phase has already been fulfilled. However, the project comes from a third world country where budgeting is limited and the work of a topographer is not final until the construction duty begins, since the previous jobs are not as detailed as they should be. Therefore, this phase is very important for the competition, wher e the topographic team verifies the initial design and the missing information is filled in for the construction process to begin. This phase could start as soon as the mobilising process begins. The next phase would be the soil removal phase, where the terrain is prepared for the construction, the soil is moved, or removed if necessary and based upon the results from the topographic team, some places the soil would be filled in. For this phase heavy equipments are required as back hoe and dump trucks, in order to remove the soil and then move the material to other required places or to dispose of them. The next phase is to prepare the sub base or initial layer, where several layers of granular materials is placed where the soil has been removed. For this project it is required by the technical specifications to place to layers of 30 centimetres each. After each layer of granular material is placed, the granular materials should be compacted until the surface is homogenous. The next phase refers to the base layer, which refers to the act of placing granular material again. This time only one layer is required and should be done upon a homogenous surface shaping the road already. The layer width depends upon each project, but in this case it should be about 20 centimetres. As soon as the granular material is set into place, a strict quality control should be performed in order to prevent unevenness on the road. At all times the topographic team should verify the goals set at each phase. The next phase refers to the act of watering the road using a cistern. The water is imparted until the humidity level on the material reaches an optimum level where the material presents its

Sunday, September 22, 2019

An Occurence at owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Essay Example for Free

An Occurence at owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Essay An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, is one of the best American short stories and is considered Ambrose Bierces greatest work. First published in Bierces short story collection Tales of Soldiers and Civilians in 1891, this story is about Peyton Farquhar, a southern farmer who is about to be hanged by the Union Army for trying to set the railroad bridge at Owl Creek on fire. While Farquhar is standing on the bridge with a rope around his neck, Bierce leads the reader to think that the rope snaps and he falls into the river, and then makes an amazing escape and finally returns to his farm, to be reunited with his wife. However the ending of the story is totally different, in fact, Farquhar is hanged and these imaginings take place seconds before his death. Ambrose Bierces trick ending succeeds because of the way he manipulated the text by changing the narrative point of view from one type to another. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is divided into three sections, with each section having a different narrative form. In the first section, the author uses dramatic narration: the story is told by no one. With the disappearance of the narrator, the reader is now the direct and immediate witness to the unfolding drama. The reader views the work from the outside. In the beginning of this story the readers are informed of all the preparations for a man about to be hanged: the set up for the hanging, the characters involved and the surroundings. The narrator gives an incredible and beautiful snapshot of the scene describing the water, the guards, and his restraints. Vertical in front of the left shoulder, the hammer rested on the forearm thrown strait across the chest- a formal and unnatural position (Bierce pg. 90, line 10). This type of narration is the least personal and the reader receives the least information on the characters thoughts and feelings. Although the author describes details, the reader has to fill the blanks as to what actions and events lead up to the situation. The reason for this type of narration in the first section of the story is to get the readers curiosity going. One wonders what Peyton Farquhar could have done to be hanged; was he alone in what he did, why is he involved in a military issue when he is a civilian? In paragraph six and seven and through the second section, the author changes his point of view to one which is third person omniscient: all knowing. The  omniscient narrator is not a character in the story and is not involved with what happens. He imposes his presence between the reader and the story and controls all the events. From an outside point of view, the narrator provides enough information to summarize, interpret and wonder. As the story evolves, the reader begins to read thoughts of the characters: Farquhar, his wife and the soldiers. The reader becomes involved in Farquhars life as the narrator summarizes his situation. The reader is told of him being a planter and owning slaves, that he is a secessionist and devoted to the Southern cause. Nevertheless, the narrator leads the reader to believe Farquhar and his wife are kind people, she fetched the water for the soldier to drink with her own white hands (Bierce pg.92, line 15) instead of ordering one on her colored slaves to do it. Farquhars principles and devotion towards the south is explained in this section and the reader gets to know who he really is. This makes the reader feel sympathetic towards him and his wife. The purpose of the omniscient narrator in the 2nd section is to give information of the characters and to get a glimpse into Farquhars life. The reader finds out how devoted his wife is to her husband. The reader can now relate to Farqhuar and understand how and why he got caught trying to destroy the bridge. Section three is intended to create suspense. Bierce wants the reader to believe that what is being described actually happens. In order for the reader to believe that what is being described is actually happening, the story must be narrated from the characters point of view (limited omniscient point of view). With a limited omniscient point of view, the narrator limits his or her ability to penetrate the mind of a single character. The reader may be shown the characters voice, feelings and thoughts through dialogue, monologue or stream of consciousness. As a result, the reader becomes more and more directly involved in interpreting the story. By using this point of view all of what Farquhar is experiencing seems so real. The advantages of the limited omniscient point of view are the tightness of focus and control that it provides. If the third section was told in an omniscient point of view, the author would have not been able to fool the reader, for he would have seen what was really happening. Seeing the whole action and knowing the soldiers thoughts would have given away the ending. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge was written in three different sections, with each having a different narrative form. The first, using dramatic point of view, describes where the action takes place. The second, omniscient point of view lets the reader comprehend the victims thoughts and actions. And finally, the third section, limited omniscient point of view creates suspense by being only in one mind. With the ability to switch from one form to another, Bierce was able to create a tale of intrigue, captivation and a twist-ending.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Grounded theory in research

Grounded theory in research Evaluate the contribution of grounded theory, as an approach to data analysis Introduction The concept of grounded theory is from the Glaser and Strauss research in 1967. In 1960s, they made a research for medical personnel to deal with an imminent death of the patients field observation in a hospital, and then discovered and developed the grounded theory. In this essay, I will evaluate the grounded theory in 5 parts. The first part is the characteristics of grounded theory; the second part is the procedure of grounded theory; the third part is comparison with other types of research methods and the forth part is the contribution of grounded theory research in management field, and the last part is the future of grounded theory. 1. The characteristics of grounded theory Some perspectives of grounded theory In Suddabys (2006) view, the grounded theory can be described as: â€Å"Grounded the ­ory is best understood historically. The methodology was developed by Glaser and Strauss (1967) as a reaction against the extreme positivism that had per ­meated most social research.† (Suddaby 2006, p.633) And Gephart (2004) points out: â€Å"Glaser and Strauss (1967) proposed grounded theory as a practical method for conducting re ­search that focuses on the interpretive process by analysing the â€Å"the actual production of meanings and concepts used by social actors in real settings† (Gephart, 2004, p.457). And another view is Glasers perspective (1992, p16), he argues that: â€Å"The grounded theory is a general methodology of analysis linked with data collection that uses a systematically applied set of methods to generate an inductive theory about a substantive area.† Grounded theory research method is a type of qualitative research which is based on induction. It used in many sociological research areas such as education, religion, and many others. Zhigang (2007) argued that the method is characterized by extracting the theory from the phenomenon to create or enrich existing theoretical system. In the view of Layder (1993), Grounded theory method is a process of generating a theory, which including constant comparison, thinking, analysis and transformation of information. The characteristics of emphasis on information and more interactive approach, which makes the researchers collect data by making use of a continuous and intimate interactions of the parties and events. In summary, in the first place, according to Zhigangs perspective,(2007) the grounded theory is a bottom-up approach to establish substantive theory, which is finding the core concepts reflects the social phenomenon based on systematical data collection, and then generate the relative theory through the links between these concepts. Secondly, grounded theory must be supported by empirical evidence, but it is not the main feature of grounded theory, the main feature is that it generates new theory or idea abstracted form the experience and data analysis. Lastly, in philosophical ideology, grounded theory approach is a paradigm based on the post-positivist, which emphasize on falsifying current theory which has been constructed. The comparative analysis the core of data analysis of grounded theory Strauss Corbin (1998) pointed out that the grounded theory emphasizes on development of the theory, but also the theory is based on the data collection of realities, and continuing data analysis through the comparison. The strategy of comparative analysis usually used in sociology research. In grounded theory, it is a very important process. Glaser and Strauss (1967) argued that it should be first contrasted the use of the method with certain other users in the research process, and then define and describe what type of theory be created through comparative analysis. The purpose of comparative analysis, as a strategic method for generating theory, is to obtain the accurate evidence, which is the difference between establishing theory and verifying theory. The evidence collected from some comparative groups, which is used to examine whether the original evidence was correct. The characteristic of comparative analysis for establishing theory or concept puts a high emphasis on theory as process. In other words, theory is not perfected; it needs develop continuously through comparative analysis. Glaser and Strauss (1967) believed that theory renders the reality of social interaction and its structural context as a process. The coding Coding is a key element of the data analysis in grounded theory. BaiKai and YuanBo (2009) argued that the encoding is the usually used technology in the qualitative research which is entirely different from quantitative research. In qualitative research, the purpose of coding is not counted, but rather deconstruction of information to form the concept. They would be re-arranged in different categories, in order to promote the comparison of information and proposition of theoretical concepts in one category. Zhigang (2007) points out that the effective use of the grounded theory primarily depends on the following two aspects: on the one hand, the researchers should make an effort to choose a meaningful direction or area of research. It is difficult to identify the gaps that may exist in the theoretical proposition; On the one hand, the researchers should pay attention to data collection and collation, and propose some theoretical assumptions and refining the new conclusions in accordance with the principles, steps and techniques of the grounded theory. 2. The procedure of the grounded theory In Strauss and Corbins view (1998), it is important that focus mainly on the process. They believe that the process is more important as describing and coding everything which is continuously changing. The process of grounded theory research made based on the view of Pandit. N (1996) Source: Pandit. N (1996) The Creation of Theory: A Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method As can be seen clearly, there are mainly 3 phases in the process of grounded theory research design phase, data collection phase and data analysis. The whole process is started at review of technical literature and finished at reaching closure, but it is need to note here is that if the result is theoretical saturation after the theoretical sampling step, it should be restarted the second step selecting cases. According to the Suddabys view (2006), There are 2 key points in the method which described by Glaser and Strauss (1967) â€Å"constant comparison,† and â€Å"theoretical sampling,† in which data are collected and ana ­lysed simultaneously, and â€Å"theoretical sampling,† in which decisions about which data should be collected next are determined by the theory that is being constructed. Therefore, the most important steps in the process are data analysis and theoretical sampling, which are the key difference in contrast with other research methods. 3. Comparison with other methods of qualitative research Grounded theory and other various ways in social research have different advantages and disadvantages. Possibly different types of methods can be used in different areas. Researchers select different research methods, could means that they have different research ideas and objectives. At the same time, selection and use of methods could more depend on the topic or the attribute of research. The necessary requirement of obtaining the valuable research findings is the appropriate combination between objectives and methods of the research. Comparison with Hypothesis Testing The Hypothesis testing method is different from the Grounded theory method. The definition of Hypothesis testing can be described as: â€Å"Hypothesis testing research investigates a phenomenon in terms of a relationship between an independent and dependent variable, both of which are measurable numerically. This relationship is called a hypothesis. The aim of the research is to test whether the hypothesized relationship is actually true, using statistical methods.† (Auerbach and Silverstein, 2003, p.3) Although hypothesis testing and grounded theory are good research methods to do the research in some areas, there are some differences between them. The hypothesis testing method is mainly different from the grounded theory in the process of building theory. In hypothesis testing method, the hypothesis or idea has been generated first. Researchers can make hypothesis without any evidence, then they will look for the evidences or collect data and information to support their hypothesis or idea. In contrast, grounded theory is an inductive method which focuses on the discovery and does not rest on hypothesis testing but on building hypotheses according to the data and relative information. Suddaby (2006) point out: â€Å"Glaser and Strauss rejected positivist notions of falsification and hypothesis testing and, instead, described an organic process of theory emergence based on how well data fit conceptual categories identified by an observer, by how well the categories explain or pred ict ongoing interpre ­tations, and by how relevant the categories are to the core issues being observed.† (Suddaby, 2006, p.634) It is clear that the hypothesis testing a grounded theory would be used in different fields, such as the hypothesis could be used for working out the mathematics problem and grounded theory could be used in the research in the social areas. Which method can be chosen for research depends on the objectives of the research. Comparison with Ethnography Creswell (1998) argued that ethnography involves prolonged observation of the group, typically through participant observation in which the research is immersed in the day to day lives of thepeople or through one on one interviews with members of the group. Clearly, the ethnography method could be more used in the research of human, culture and language etc. From the view of Creswell (1998, p148), the following table can describe the differences between grounded theory and ethnography in data analysis process. Data analysis and representation Grounded theory Ethnography Data managing Create and organize files for data Create and organize files for data Reading, Memoing Read through text, make margin notes, form initial codes Read through text, make margin notes, form initial codes Classifying Engage in axial coding Engage in open coding Analyse data for themes and patterned regularities Interpreting Engage in selective coding Develop a conditional matrix Interpret and make sense of findings Representing, Visualizing Present a visual theory Present propositions Present narrative presentation augmented by tables, figures and sketches Source: Creswell, J. (1998) Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five traditions As can be seen clearly, the most difference between grounded and ethnography is from classifying step to visualizing step. The 3 core coding steps play an important role in the data analysis of grounded theory, which make the grounded theory can be developed through the constant comparison. And also it is one of the advantages of grounded theory in contrast with other qualitative methods as an approach to data analysis. Mello and Flint (2009) believe that the grounded theory primarily uses interviews, but also uses observation and documents analysis like an ethnography method. It differs from an ethnography method because of its purpose, which is to build theory. Like many other interpretive qualitative approaches, grounded theory has helped other disciplines open up fruitful new avenues of research. Hammersley (1990) argues that much ethnography places emphasis on the ‘description as an important purpose of research, there are other strands that focus on a form of ‘theoretical description. However, while Glaser and Strauss think that grounded theory is related to the wider context of qualitative analysis and method. The grounded theory approach is highly distinctive and unlike other types of qualitative methods. 4. Grounded Theory in management research It is no doubt that the grounded theory can be used in a wide range of research such like nursing, business and management, mathematics and many types of sociology. Then, I will talk about the contribution of grounded theory focus on the business and management area. Firstly, the following table gives some examples of the grounded theory used in management research. Examples of grounded theory in management research Example references Senior executives and IT Systems development Managing understanding in orgnisations Organisational culture Staff perspectives on work Retailer response to manufactures low-cost programmes Rural women entrepreneurs Competitive strategy and manufacturing Process technology Building co-operation in competitive industries Consumer behaviour Advertising and mass media Marketing Career development Electronic data interchange Leadership in organisations Strategic alliances Ideal business images for women Tourist behaviour Employment outcomes Seeley and Targett (1997) King (1996), Calloway and Ariav (1995) Brown (1994, 1995) Turner (1981, 1988) Clegg et al. (1996) Nuefeldt et al. (1996) Manning et al. (1998) Egan (1997) McKinley-Wright (1995) Schroeder and Congden (1995) Congden (1995) Browning et al. (1995) Houston and Venkatesh (1996) Goulding (1999b,1999c,2000b,2000c) Hirschman and Thompson (1997) Burchill and Fine (1997) De la Cuesta (1994) Beard (1989) Sperber-Richie et al. (1997) Crook and Kumar (1998) Parry (1998) Hunt and Ropo (1995) Lang (1996) Kimle and Damhost (1997) Riley (1995, 1996) Mullins and Roessier (1998) Source: Goulding, C. (2002) Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide for Management, Business and Market Researchers From the table above, it is obvious that the grounded theory can be used in many researches about business and explores a wide range of management problems. â€Å"These situations merely serve to demonstrate the transcending nature of grounded theory and its potential for application in the field of management research.† (Goulding, 2002, p.51) Taking the marketing field as an example, â€Å"grounded theory has begun theoretical development in the areas of the creation of a market oriented firm, moving away from previous research that merely described what a market oriented firm looks like.† (Gebhardt, Carpenter, and Sherry, 2006, citied in Mello, and Flint (2009) A Refined View of Grounded Theory and Its Application to Logistics Research p.109) 5. Grounded theory in the future What grounded theory will happen in the future? It is no doubt that the grounded theory will be used for doing research in the wider range of fields. Increasing researchers will choose the grounded theory as the first choice. Youhui (1996) think that one of the characteristics of grounded theory method is that the discover believe that it is necessary to generate theory in the research of sociology and both data analysis and theory building should be focused in qualitative research and any other research methods. Therefore, the grounded theory method is ideally suited to the areas such as: the existing theoretical system which is not perfected, the phenomenon which is very difficult to effectively explain, or the new areas and phenomenon which has no systematical theory currently. About the Justifying Grounded Theory in the future, Glaser described it as: â€Å"The future will bring less need to legitimize grounded theory; hence, there will be less need to justify using it. Now, many researchers have to explain it and argue for its use. Its future portends that grounded theory will be as accepted as are other methods (e.g., surveys) and will require little or no explanation to justify its use in a research project.† (Glaser, B.G. 1999, pp.845) Charmaz (2005 citied in Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (2005) Handbook of Qualitative Research) believe that a major strength of the grounded theory is that they provide tools for analysing process, and these tools hold much potential for studying social justice issues. She also believed that coding practices can help us to see our assumptions, as well as those of our research participants. Rather than raising our code to a level of objectively, we can raise questions about how and why we developed certain codes. Grounded theory has its own advantages, it is to believe that grounded theory will be developed deeper and suitable for the research, Charmaz (2005 citied in Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (2005) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research 3rd ed.) write that: â€Å"As its best, grounded theory provides methods to explicate an empirical process in ways that prompt seeing beyond it. By sticking closely to the leads and explicating the relevant process, the researcher can go deeper into meaning and action than given in words. Thus, the focused inquiry of grounded theory, with its progressive inductive analysis, moves the work theoretically and covers more empirical observations than other approaches. In this way, a focused grounded theory portrays a picture of the whole.† (Charmaz, 2005, pp.529) Conclusion To sum up, the grounded theory has a wider use range than other methods. For those social areas which lack current theory and some phenomenon which lack enough evidence and explanation, the grounded theory method is an effective analytical technique as an approach of data analysis. This method not only can help researchers to use inductive methods to abstract the basic theory from the phenomenon in the research, but also it is a good way to build and develop the theoretical system gradually to achieve the combination with the current theory effectively. There are many contributions of grounded theory in many different areas such as business, education, medicine and other many others. In terms of many advantages and characteristics of grounded theory, we believe that it will be use in more range of social research as an approach to data analysis and developed more to be accepted by more researchers. Reference Auerbach, C.F. and Silverstein, L.B. 2003 Qualitative Data: an Introduction to Coding and Analysis. New York University BaiKai and YuanBo. 2009. The analysis of impression series by Grounded theory Journal of Shaanxi Administration School Vol.23, No.1 pp.15-20 Borgatti, S. 2009. ‘Introduction to Grounded Theory [Online] [Accessed Nov 2009] Available From Creswell, J. 1998. Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five traditions Sage Publications. London Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. 2005. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research 3rd ed. California: Sage Publication Gephart, R. P. 2004. Qualitative research and the Academy of Management Journal. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.47, pp.454-462 Glaser, B.G. 1992. Basics of Grounded theory Analysis Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press Glaser, B. G. 1999. The Future of Grounded Theory Qualitative Health Research, Vol. 9, No. 6, November pp.836-845 Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory. New York: Aldine De Gruyter Goulding, C. 2002. Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide for Management, Business and Market Researchers. London: Sage Publications Hammersley, M. 1990. Whats wrong with ethnography? The myth of theoretical description. Sociology, Vol. 24, pp.597-615 Layder, D. (1993) New Strategies in Social Research: An Introduction and Guide Cambridge: Polity Press Mello, J. and Flint D. J. 2009. A Refined View of Grounded Theory and Its Application to Logistics Research Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 30, No. 1, 107—108 Pandit, N. 1996. The Creation of Theory: A Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method The Qualitative Report, Vol. 2, No. 4 2009 Strauss, A and Corbin, J. 1998. Basics of Qualitative Research California: Sage Publications Suddaby, R. 2006. From The Editors: What Grounded Theory Is Not Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.633-642 Youhui Hu. (1996) Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Local Women Case Studies Research Taipei: Juliu Publications Zhigang Li. 2007. The Study of Grounded Theory in Business Research. Journal of East Forum. Vol.4, pp.90-94

Friday, September 20, 2019

Defining Stakeholders and their responsibilities

Defining Stakeholders and their responsibilities Stakeholder is a person,  group, or organisation that has direct or indirect  stake,  that is Support, in an organisation. Thay are called Stakeholders because they can affect or also be affected by the organisations  actions,  policies, and  objectives. Key stakeholders in a  business  organization are include  Creditors,  Customers,  Directors,  Employees,  Government  (as well as their   agencies),  Owners  ( that is Shareholdes) , Suppliers,  Unions, and the  Community  from which the business draws its  resources. Although stake-holding is usually self-legitimizing (those who  judge  themselves to be stakeholders are  de facto  so), all stakeholders are not equal and different stakeholders are  entitled  to different  considerations. For example, a  firms  customers are entitled to fair  trading  practices  but they are not entitled to the same consideration as the firms employees. In short, Stakeholders are groups of people who have an interest in a business organisation. Type of Stakeholders : ~ Stakeholders can be devided in two different groups as shown above that is internal as well as external. It also can be called as Primary Stakeholders and Secondary Stakeholders. Not only that, but some stakeholders are those who might be both that is interal as well as external. For example company employee is by default internal stakeholder. But at the same time when he become the same companies customer he become the external stakeholder. Stakeholders of COCA COLA companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Q.)Who are the stakeholders of COCA COLA Company ? All most all the businesses have to keep in mind the effect of their activities on stakeholders. Coca-Cola is also not an exception. There are so many stakeholders in Coca Cola Company. They include all those stakeholders, who are most affected by or who most affect the way they do business. This includes Consumers/Customers, Suppliers, Manager, Owner(shareholders),Employees, Government regulators, Speial interest Groups, Non-Govermental Organizations (i.e. NGOs) as well as the local communities/society in which Coca Cola Company operate. Each and every Stakeholder has its own interests in Coca Cola Company and places different demands on them. The Company try to engage with each constituency according to its needs, using different engagement methods as appropriate. Consumer/Customers Consumers are the external stakeholders. In Coca Cola Company, Consumers are given very much importance because they have a very much influence on business strategy because, wherever possible, consumers want to buy products from those companies on which they trust. So Consumers are very much influential. Because all business is after all depends upon a customers. If there will be no customers, there will be no business at all. Suppliers Suppliers and business partners are vital to Coca Cola Companys success. Because they help them refresh the world, more than 1.6 billion times every day, through delivering necessary products and services for their business. Having a sound, stable and ethical supply base is important for growth of the Coca Cola Company and the footprint that the suppliers leave in local communities around the world. As a company, they have a responsibility to hold their direct suppliers to standards no less than those required by applicable law. So suppliers are also very much influential. Government agencies and civil society Coca Cola Company made wide-ranging industry commitments. Such as the   Action on Diet, Health and Physical Activity  . They are a member of the different  Union of European Beverages Associations  , which the EU Platform acknowledged as an example of best practice on how to develop and follow up the commitments made. Coca Cola also work with : ~National Government Agencies to implement  sports and fitness programmes ~National Environment Ministries to  protect watersheds ~Industry and Government Agencies to build sustainable  packaging management schemes and promote recycling So government is also influential at a a greater level. Creditors Creditors are the external stakeholder of the Coca Cola Company. The Coca Cola Company participate in  investor assessments  and conduct briefings specifically for the socially responsible investment community. They routinely include sustainability performance in their all annual financial report and investor road shows. So creditors are also influential at a certain level. Employees Employees are not just internal stakeholders, they might be also external stakeholders. Because when any employee purchase an item from the same Company in which they are employed they become external stakeholder. So just like other companies in Coca Cola Company also Employees are very much influential. So Coca Cola Company conducted  a survey about the key measures of employees engagement. In 2007 Coca Cola Company won several awards, which includes: ~ Best employer awards in Serbia and Poland. ~ Second place in the  Great Place to Work  survey in Italy. Owners (Shareholders) Owners are the internal stakeholders of the Coca Cola Company. They are the Primary stakeholders.In Coca Cola Company Stockholders have an immediate stake in a corporation because it is all about their money that is funding the company. If Coca Cola Company does well, their stock gains value and ultimately they earn more and more money. If the  business  does badly, simply they lose money. So shareholders are very very much influential in Coca Cola Company. Non-Govermental Organizations (NGOS) The Coca Cola Company always rely on NGOs and public-private partnerships to inform and guide their policies and initiatives, as well as challenge them as they work on complex and fast-changing issues such as climate change and others. Some of Coca Colas key stakeholders and partners includes the following: ~World Resources Institute ~World Wildlife Fund ~Carbon Trust ~Carbon Disclosure Project The NGOs also influential in Coca Cola Company. Stakeholders of Cancer Research UKà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Q.)Who are the stakeholders of Cancer Research UK ? Cancer Research UK is a non profit organization. But that doesnt mean that it doesnt have stakeholders. There are stakeholders just like other organization. Some examples of Stakeholders for a Non Profit Organization like Cancer Reseach UK are given here : Director, Trustees , Donors, Employees, Government, Patients, Doctors and Nurses, Fundraisers,Volunteer,Corporate partners like Tesco and BQ. Director The Director is a person who board typically chooses to have this one person who is ultimately responsible to carry out the overall wishes of the board. The director is always directly accountable for the work of the staff and supports the work of the board committees.  So director is a key stakeholder for Cancer research UK. So he is very much influential stakeholder. Board of Trustees Trustees are always much influential for any non profit organization. Cancer research UK also have a Bord of Trustees. They have to perform some duties likeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ ~Carry out the terms of the trust instrument ~Defend the trust ~Proper investment of trust assets e.t.c. So Board of Directors of Cancer Research UK are very much influential. Employees Employees are always influential for any organization, wether it is profitable or non profitable organization. So just like others here in Cancer Research UK, employees are very much influential. Volunteers In Cancer Research UK, volunteer are the most influential stakeholder as they are provide their help and time free of cost. Cancer research UK might cant operate without the help of the service of the Volunteers. So because of the given reason, they are very much influential in cancer Research UK. Donors Donors are the person who gives monetary and non monetary help to the organizations. In Cancer Research UK, Donors play an important role as they are the distinct from others as they give their support to an organization from which they know, they will not getting any monetary refund. So donors are influential in Cancer Research UK.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Autism :: Papers

Autism Autism or PPD (pervasive developmental disorder) is defined by the Columbia encyclopedia as a rare neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the inability to relate to and perceive the environment in a realistic manner. The onset of the disorder is in infancy or early childhood, generally before the age of thirty months, and males are affected four times as often as females. Symptoms include impairment in social interaction, fixation on inanimate objects, inability to communicate normally, and resistance to changes in daily routine (Anthes, 1997). Characteristics of Autism Diagnosing Autism is based on four characteristics: difficulty with language, abnormal responses to sensory stimuli, resistance to change and difficulty with social interaction. ?Other characteristics of autism may include: making the same repetitive motion for hours, repeating a sound or phrase, inability to hold a conversation, practicing unusual play patterns, and extreme sensitivity to sound and touch? (Riccio, 1999). Autistics can exhibit any combination of these characteristics in any degree. That is why autism is referred to as a ?spectrum? disorder, because at one end of the disorder a child may be inflicted with some symptoms, while at the opposite end a child may be inflicted with multiple symptoms with many areas in between. Children who display few symptoms may be characterized as ?mildly autistic?. Early signs of Autism may appear in the first months of life. Autistic infants tend to stray away from other people, avoiding touch and become limp or stiff when picked up or help. Autistic children don?t reach maturation as fast as normal children. A normal child will point to objects or smile when seeing their mother before the end of their first year, but children with autism develop this behavior much later. These symptoms may go on unnoticed by parents or doctors in infancy, but by the age of two to three it is clear that something is wrong. History of Autism In 1943, a man by the name of Leo Kanner formally identified autism; he labeled the disorder ?autistic disturbance of affective contact? (?Autism Web? n.d.). Autism was first described in America, officially, in 1980 with the publication of DSMIII (Tanguay, Robertson, Derrick, 1980). There was much confusion, both before and after Kanner's description, regarding the continuity of autism with schizophrenia and other then-recognized forms of psychosis (Lippcott/Williams & Wilkins, 1999). Kanner noticed that autistic infants had a reverse pattern typically observed in normal infants.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Heart Of Darkness :: essays research papers

Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad is a fictional novel with an overflow of symbolism. Throughout the entire novel Conrad uses a plethora of simple colors, objects, and places in order to clarify very complex meanings. By doing this, Conrad is able to lure the reader into a world unlike his or her own: the Congo River, located in central Africa. Although the interpretation of these symbols is so elaborate, the simplicity of each makes it somewhat easy to overlook. A few examples of the many symbols found in Conrad’s novel include the jungle, as well as the colors of white and black, better known as the colors of life and death. In Heart of Darkness, the images of black and white have the usual connotations of evil and good. These pigments are found throughout the entire book. Ironically, although black, the native Africans seem to represent a sort of good by doing what they feel is right. On the other hand, the white foreigners carry themselves with some kind of evil as they exploit the great kindness of the blacks. I guess you could say that the white men were filled with a black hatred inside. Another example is found when Marlow enters the Belgian company’s office. Sitting in the office are two women dressed almost completely in black. Marlow is no beginning to understand the seriousness of the journey he is going to make. Even his predecessor dies because of a quarrel over two black hens. The usage of black is almost too much to handle. Another example that I also remembered from the movie was how Kurtz’s pictures were always placed within a dark ebony back round. Another ironic example is the continued description of the white ivory. Its beautiful white shine makes it look righteous, even though it really demonstrates a great evil as the elephants were being destroyed along with other people. Other colors were of importance as well to truly understand the symbolic nature of the story. The plaid patches and trimmings on the Russian’s harlequin clothes portray his ever-changing moods and foolish, light-hearted behavior. By simply using a description of clothing, Conrad is able to show us how he tends to stay out of trouble with his befriending nature. The color yellow will usually symbolize some sort of corruption or decay. We first read about yellow as it marks the area of Congo on the map in the Brussels office.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cjs 200 Week 8 Violent Behavior Response

Violent Behavior Response Casie Thibeault CJS 200 November 23, 2012 University of Phoenix Violent Behavior Response In today’s society the behavior of inmates continues to get worse. Many inmates in prisons have violent behavior because they feel they have nothing to live for anymore especially when they get life in prison without parole. To many inmates they feel like it does not matter what they do because they are never going to leave prison anyway. Many prisons have gangs and when one first gets to prison they are told of all the rules that other inmates have made.The price for breaking these rules can be anywhere from having to beat up the biggest bad guy in jail to show ones dominance to having things taken from them. Many inmates will give up their food, money and even personal items just to be accepted or to not get hurt. Violent behavior among inmates and the prison staff is also a problem. Inmates tend to have attitude towards the staff because the staff holds them r esponsible for their crimes and expects them to follow the prison rules.Some inmates end up having relationships with the guards and the guards may let them do what they want as long as they get a cut of whatever the inmate may be doing illegally. Usually as long as an inmate gets their way then they will be friendly with the staff members. Many staff members treat the inmates with respect and the respect is returned. I believe if the staff treats the inmates with respect and not like scum because of their crime this also helps stop violent behavior.Some of the strategies for responding to violent behavior are to put one who has violent behavior in solitary confinement, adding more time to their sentence that they have, or even loosing privileges such as going outside to receiving mail from friends and family. Most people who are incarcerated don’t want to be there any longer than they have to and they just want to serve out their sentence without having any problems. The mor e violent ones behavior is will determine how much longer their sentence will last.If a prisoner has violent behavior all the time they are more likely to be incarcerated longer than they need to be. If the inmates had things to do, and could take classes and earn a degree or do something with their life while they are in jail it would give them hope for when they are free. I truly believe that it is all based on respect. If the inmates can learn to respect one another and respect the staff that is only doing their jobs, the prison system would have less violent behavior going on.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“How to Tame a Wild” Tongue Essay Essay

In paragraphs 27 through 34 of Gloria Anzaldua’s essay â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue†; she subtly conveys her own disgust at the invariable destruction of her Chicano culture by using the rhetorical strategies of organized syntax, narrative flashbacks, and the incorporation of her â€Å"native tongue†. Between paragraphs 27 and 30, the syntax conveys Anzaldua’s deep emotions about her lingual identity using mostly balanced and declarative sentences. The perfect balanced in noticed in excerpts such as â€Å"Until I can take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself. Until I can accept as legitimate Chicano Texas Spanish, Tex-Mex, and all other languages I speak, I cannot accept the legitimacy of myself†. In a series of staccato complex sentences Anzaldua further describes her longing for lingual acceptance by stating â€Å"I will have my voice: Indian, Spanish, white. I will have my serpent’s tongue – my woman’s voice, my sexual voice, m y poet’s voice†. By organizing her sentences in this way, she draws the reader’s attention to the fact that she is virtually unable to accept herself without her own language being accepted as it is a part of her. In this way the reader is able to sympathize with the author’s lack of self-realization and is able to more fully understand the author’s indignation with the dissection of her mother-tongue. Anzaldua employs the useful tactic of a narrative flashback to further instill an empathetic emotion in the reader. She recounts her â€Å"stunned amazement† upon reading her first Chicano novel â€Å"City of Night†. Soon after that she is exposed to more Chicano literature an even poetry, and with each exposure she gains â€Å"a feeling of pure joy† and â€Å"a sense of belonging†. Here, she targets a the basic human emotion of wanting to be accepted among a group for who we truly are as opposed to what others want us or think us to be. Such a plea for acceptance is an easy concept for the reader to relate to, and thus this method serves to draw the reader into the author’s personal predicament and promote her feelings of resentment at the degradation of her â€Å"native† culture. The author does a wonderful job of incorporating her own language into the essay as a whole. She does so in a way that, even non-Spanish speaking  readers, can understand the gist of the message she is trying to convey. Also by integrating her native language into the essay she expresses its importance to her. In lines such as â€Å"People who were to amount to something didn’t go to Mexican movies, or bailes, or tune their radios to bolero, rancherita, and corrido music†, Anzaldua is not obligated to translate the last three words as the context of the passage reveals the basic meanings of those words to an acceptably understandable degree. Her incorporation of her language is almost seen as an attempt for her to personally save or even resurrect the language that she prefers most and wishes others would accept as justifiable so she herself can come to realize her own legitimacy. Throughout her essay, Anzaldua keeps to her course of trying to express her sadness at her cultures disassembling through several rhetorical devices, notably those of syntax, flashback, and by including the language she is most comfortable with. With these tactics she is able to better reach the average reader on a personal level and to gain their empathy in her hopes of preserving/reinstating her disappearing culture.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mrs. Dalloway Response Paper

Clarissa Dalloway, the protagonist in the novel Mrs. Dalloway, tried hard in order to balance her internal life to that of the outside world. In the novel, the reader could see that her life is full of activities, that her world is full of sparkling and impressive things like fashion and parties that are constantly present in high societies. However, this world does not satisfy her in the manner that she wants to be satisfied and thus she walk into that world trying to look beyond the superficiality of that world, in search for some deeper meanings.Clarissa constantly yearns for privacy which made her liable towards introspection thus giving her a deep faculty for emotion which is not present in the other characters in the story. In spite of this, Clarissa is also concerned with superficial things such as the way she look and so she keeps herself always composed, hardly ever sharing her thoughts or feelings with anybody. She makes use of endless flow of genial chatter and activities in order to keep her soul out of reach thus making her appear superficial or trivial even to those people who supposedly know her well.Clarissa is also continually superimposing the past with the present; she endeavors to reconcile herself to life in spite of her strong recollections of the past. In most part of the story Clarissa mull over aging and mortality with anxiety, even while performing life-affirming deeds. In spite of the fact that she is content with what she have in life she never releases the doubts she have concerning the choices which made her life as it was in the novel (especially her choice of marrying Richard instead of Peter). Her rationale behind this choice is that life with Peter would be hard in contrast to life with the financially secure Richard.However, Clarissa is aware that she gave up passion and love in exchange for the security life in the upper-class society has to offer. There are times that she wishes she could re-live her life all over again and she particularly feel a sense of clarity and tranquility when she observe her neighbor through her window, and she also accepts the possibility of death. As was the case with Septimus, Clarissa ardently feels the domineering forces in life, and she settle with the notion that the life she have at the moment is all she would ever get yet in spite of this her resolve to persist still exists.Septimus Warren Smith on the other hand is a veteran of World War I. He suffered from shell shock which made him lost in his own mind which made him loathe himself for being incapacitated. At the same time, he is also an individual who is full of guilt. Septimus’ doctor ordered his wife, Lucrezia to make Septimus notice and be concern of things other than himself since Septimus appears to have completely escaped from the outside world. Septimus has been living in a world known only to himself wherein he hears and see things which could not be seen or heard by others. In this world Septimus i s able to talk with his already deceased friend, Evans. He appreciates the beauty the world has to offer however he is afraid that the people living in it do not have the ability to be honest or kind. In this regard we could see that the author of the novel means for Clarissa to tell the audience the sane truth in this world and for Septimus to tell us the insane truth. This tactic works out well in that Septimus’ indifference allows him to judge others more harshly than Clarissa. The world outside Septimus world is intimidating and from his point of view it offers very little hope.At first glance or on a superficial level, Septimus appears to be different from Clarissa however he exemplifies many attributes in common with Clarissa (such as her way of thinking). In this manner one could even mistake Septimus as Clarissa’s double in the story. Both of them have beak noses, they both like Shakespeare, and most importantly they both fear repression.At the same time, Septi mus also provides as a contrast between conscious struggle of the working class veterans and the blind affluence of the high society. His actions lead the readers to think of the legitimacy of the English society he fought for in the World War I. Since Septimus’ line of thinking is the same with that of Clarissa the line which seems to divide sanity with insanity becomes thinner and thinner as the story progress. Septimus decided to end his problems by committing suicide, a dramatic and tragic act which eventually helped Clarissa to accept her own choices as well as the society in which she is a part of.All throughout the novel, Clarissa, Septimus, Peter along with the other characters could be seen trying to find an outlet which they could use for communication and enough privacy. In the novel one could see how hard it is to balance communication and privacy. For example, in the novel one could see Clarissa throwing different parties left and right in an endeavor to draw peo ple together however she also feel swathed within her own philosophical thoughts and soul and thinks how mysterious it is for her to exist in her room while her neighbor exists in another.Even when she rejoice in her neighbor’s independence she know deep down inside that it is accompanied by an unavoidable melancholy. The war has also changed the people’s notion of what English society ought to be like, and it is difficult to reconcile those who still believe in upholding the traditional English society with those people who are looking for constant change. In spite of all the efforts put forth by the characters it remains difficult to make consequential connections in the disorganized postwar world portrayed in the novel. Finally, Clarissa views Septimus’ demise as a desperate albeit legitimate attempt for communication.During the 19th century, the British Empire appears indestructible in that it was able to expand on other territories like India, Nigeria, and the like. The British Empire is one of the largest empires ever written in history. However there came a time that the English became vulnerable even on their native land. In spite of the fact that the Allies won the war, it is as though the victory is merely based on name since the extent of the injuries they received is so devastating.Due to this, the English citizens lost their faith on the empire following the war. Many people no longer believe that England is still invincible and they refuse to adhere to the constraints made by the empire to them particularly since the benefits are rakes only by the selected few while all of England fought for it.In 1923, the year when this novel first appeared, the old institution along with its set of repressive values is facing their end. English citizens, particularly the younger generations such as the novel’s Clarissa, Septimus, and the like experiences the failure of the British Empire as powerfully as they do their own personal f ailures. Citizens who still uphold the old tradition are mostly comprised by the older generation like Aunt Helena and Lady Bruton. In this regard the reader could contemplate that Aunt Helena’s eyeglasses was most likely used as a symbol of her inability to see the crumbling of the British Empire.The threat of oppression is also one of the relevant themes in the story. In a way, Mrs. Dalloway has so many things similar to the film The Hours. First and foremost the film was largely based on the novel Mrs. Dalloway. The film and the novel both shows how people are frightened by the threat of oppression and that those who could no longer deal with the threat sees suicide as a means of escape. In the movie The Hours, the three main protagonists always contemplate the notion of suicide as a means of escape.As to the question on whether Clarissa and Septimus would make the same choices they made if they are part of the contemporary world, I believe the answer is yes. True, things have changed a lot since the early 19th century however people still has to cope with different kind of pressures and problems. Not simply because you are living in a world completely different from before it already means that you would not be dealing with things our predecessors dealt with.Everyday we are faced with many choices and our personality and ability to cope up with all of these which determines which choice we would make. Septimus would still commit suicide if she is faced with another kind of threat in the modern world, and Clarissa would most likely still act the same way. The movie The Hours provided us with a modern day Clarissa and she is very similar to Mrs. Dalloway’s Clarissa, thus I believe that it is your own personality, the way you handle and view things which is more important.No matter what kind of world you are put in you would still face many obstacles albeit on different guise, thus if you are weak you are likely to make the same choice regardles s of your environment. For Clarissa (in novel and in film alike), in spite of the appeal of suicide, she still choose to fight the battle which is called live and that is primarily the reason why she did not choose to escape by means of suicide.ReferenceWoold V. (1990). Mrs. Dalloway: Harvest Books; 1st Harvest/HBJ edition.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

High Noon Essay

This is a case of a company, which is operating in Malaysia by the name of Alpha Plantations Sdn Bhd. The company has its origin in Britain and has been operational for over forty years now. This subsidiary located in Malaysia consists of one palm oil mill and one oil palm estate. According to the owners of the company, the main purpose of opening this subsidiary is to supply the mother company with crude palm oil. The mother company is involved in production of detergents. The subsidiary in Malaysia operates in three shifts and each shift has about 25 people manned by one supervisor.  In addition, majority of the top management persons working at the Malaysian subsidiary come from the United Kingdom where the mother company is. Issues This organization has been in operation for decades and it has perfectly performed. With the changes that are taking place within the company because of the new manager, workers will also experience some new changes in the way they will execute their duties. Issues arise from the fact that this new management wants to change even the structure of the organization. These changes bring conflict in the way the workers used to perform and in the process affect their team performance and rapport. (McShane, S. et al, 2006) This frustrates Mr. Ang who has worked with the company for over four decades. The results are his firing after a confrontation. The reason for his firing stated as misconduct. However, this misconduct resulted from the mixed up duties and responsibilities that he experiences on his line of duty. As McShane, S. et al, (2006), says it is necessary to have a clearly spelled out duties and responsibilities. This is the only way that the workers will be able to avoid conflict and confrontation. This does not happen in this company. In addition, the managerial team executes these changes so quickly such that the workers do not have time to adjust thereby resulting to frustrations. Analysis Over the years, the company has faced many problems. However, the recent one was the massive loss that the company was undergoing. The main cause of this loss is the current low prices of gases that were experience at that time, then in 1999. During this time, Captain Chubb was the manager of the company. He claimed that he had done all that he could but the prices were the one which pulled the company down. The top management of the company sort to hire a new manager the following year by the name of Ian Davison. They thought that the previous manager failed to perform. Even though he did not have any experience in management of an agricultural company, he had worked and succeeded in the detergent company and therefore the management expected much from him. To achieve this, he had to lower the cost of production and the only way was to make some recommendation. He therefore made recommendations some of which were beyond the company’s control. For instance, he claimed that the company allowed too much machine breakdown. It is advisable to note that wear and tear is normal processes and we can do absolutely nothing to prevent it. However, he offered a practical solution of reducing the workforce and introducing new machines. This is the point where issues cropped up. With the introduction of new machines and reduction of the number of workers per shift, the workers first adapted to the process but later moved back to their old habits. However, this time, the problem was bigger in that there were fewer workers. They no longer worked in a team and this created a big problem, as the workload was now bigger. In addition, with the new introduced structure in the organization, workers were now able to have a direct access to the manager. This reduced the powers that Mr. Ang had who has always been the supervisor for the company. He was not in a position to control the works anymore and this frustrated him. Furthermore, the workers would not fully respect his directions, as they knew they could still get directions directly from the manager. As McShane, S. et al, (2006) in their book says, poor communication will always affect our behavior towards each other at our places of work. They go ahead and say that leaders will tend to vent their frustration to their subordinate. This communication breakdown affected the relationship between Mr. Ang and the workers and at the end resulted to dictatorship type of ruling where Mr. Ang would make all the decision for the workers. The worst is that Mr. Ang was to blame for all this. The result is that Mr. Ang was devastated and become silent, unproductive to the company and the company fires him. Drive theory explains the reason why Mr. Ang feels frustrated by the actions of the manager. He was highly valued by the workers and after he goes home, the company somehow collapses. Solutions The current problems that are experienced are a serious loss and this is not due to local company structure but global factors that are beyond the company control. We can therefore argue that the methods that used to deal with this problem are way out of track. It is a good idea though to look for machines that are using new technology and to downsize the number of workers in the company. However, it is not a good idea to change the company structure, as this has nothing to do with the workers’ performance. (McShane, S. et al, 2006) The best solution for this problem therefore would have been the purchase of the machines using new technology, downsizing the firm and then leaving the workers to report to the supervisor who they have reported to all these years. This would have prevented the confrontation that Mr. Ang had with the top officials at the head office and the other confrontation that he had with the manager and therefore prevent the company from collapsing. Recommendation However, now that Mr.  Ang has already gone home and things are not working well at all at the company, it is a clear indication that even though during the last days, Mr. Ang seemed quiet, he was important and his presence was recognized by all the workers. In addition, Mr. Ang was never given time to explain what was happening. It would be recommendable to try to summon Mr. Ang, give him a chance to explain his point of view and give him back his job. He is the only one who can mobilize the team and make them work. Drive theory explains the reason why the company collapses because the workers are not motivated. They have nothing to drive them to work harder.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Providing quality care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Providing quality care - Essay Example While traditionally the concept of quality nursing care was defined by the policies, the facilities and the credentials associated with the nurses, this definition has been expanded in the modern times to incorporate the concepts of exploration, improvement of the processes and patient safety, as well as the evaluation of the whole outcome of all these components (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007: 2). In this regard, the concept of quality nursing care refers to the holistic evaluation of the nursing practice, starting from the time the nurse comes into contact with the patient, to the point where the individual is discharged from the health facility, and all the health practices that are involved therein (Institute of Medicine, 2001: 47). Therefore simply put, quality nursing care is the overarching umbrella under which the patient safety resides, and thus the concept of patient safety is indistinguishable from the concept of quality nursing care, since it is through quality nursing care that the safety of the patient is upheld (Russell et al. 2010: 49). Thus, this discussion seeks to analyse the concept of quality nursing care in pain management nursing practice, with a view to establishing how the quality agenda informs this practice. Pain management is an area of nursing practice that has consistently proved to present multifaceted challenges to the nursing practitioners, considering that at some point in life, everyone experiences pain in its diverse forms. Pain has been classified as either acute or chronic, where the acute pain subsides as the process of healing continues, while the chronic pain is persistent (Jensen et al., 2003: 72). The multifaceted challenges faced by the nursing practitioners under the pain management practice emanate from the fact that pain must not always be physiological, but may also entail some components of psychological, spiritual or emotional dimensions (Jones, 2006: 42). Nevertheless, in all these dimensions,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Which is best Private or Public Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Which is best Private or Public Schools - Essay Example Some of the above domains are similar both in private and public schools whereas some others are different. Facilities are similar in most of the private and public schools; but are different in their source of revenues. Private schools look for endowments and tuition fees to develop facilities. Public school facilities depend on the economy of the place of operation. In rural areas the facilities may be less for both private and public schools whereas in urban areas the facilities may be better. Private schools are better for the students as far as the class sizes are concerned. Most of the private schools have smaller class sizes compared to the public schools. Individual care is more in private schools because of the smaller class size. The teacher would be able to give more focus to the needs of the students in private schools. On the other hand, public schools have bigger class sizes and hence less individual attention is offered in such institutions. Because of the high salaries in public schools compared to private schools, the teachers are more loyal to their profession in public schools. On the other hand, private schools are hiring professionals of higher academic qualifications which help them to provide quality education to their students. Comparing the above two facts, the general quality of education both in private and public schools are almost same. Public school budgets depend on the economy of its place of operation whereas private schools have lot of other channels for raising funds. Heavy tuition fees is the main revenue source for the private schools whereas in public schools the tuition fees are much low. â€Å"The good news for parents is that public schools cannot charge tuition. The bad news is that public schools are complicated, often underfunded operations influenced by political winds and shortfalls† (Great schools

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Inclusion of Disabled Children in Primary Education Essay

Inclusion of Disabled Children in Primary Education - Essay Example This education consists of six or seven years. The children enrolled in primary education are of the age of five or six years. According to UNESCO (UNESCO, 1994) almost 70 % of the children enroll for primary education. This report also suggests that most governments in all parts of the world are ready to archive a full universal enrollment of all children in primary schools by the year 2015. Disability is defined as an impairment, which can be either physical or mental that limits a human being from performing activities performed by an ordinary person. The Disability Discrimination Act(DDA) defines disability as a mental or physical limitation that has substantial long term negative effect on the person and limits his/her ability to perform day to day duties. With respect to this definition; substantial indicates that the disability can be minor or major. Long term means that its effects can last for one year minimum, the activities that the disabled person is unable to perform include but not limited to speech, hearing, sight, manual work, movement and reasoning power. According to research conducted by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), the areas affected by disability include; performance of general task, communication impairment, limited or no mobility, lack of self care, limited learning ability, inability to carry out domestic function, inability for relationship with other people and the community as a whole. some of the most common disability among human being include; deafness, which is the inability to hear, blindness which is the inability to see, lameness which is the inability to walk or perform other physical tasks and mental retardation or cognitive disability which is the inability to reason or solve problems normally. According to a report by UNESCO (UNESCO, 1994) the implementation of inclusive education would be more advantageous to the disabled children in the long run. The report highlights that the inclusion of the disabled children will lead to the enhancement of a cooperative spirit between the disabled children and the other students. This will help the other students to accept the disabled children as part of the society. The other children will also help them in adapting to the ordinarily system of learning. Implementation of inclusive education is considered to be beneficial to all the children in the long run, initially the disabled children may feel a little different from other kids, but with time the children accept their differences. The children with disability will also run how to tolerate and accept each other differences. Special schools These are schools, specially designed and staffed with specially trained and experienced tutors in order to cater for education needs of disabled children. In these schools the student are given high attention and the teacher. The student- teacher ratio is less than 6:1. In addition, these students have special facilities e.g. sensory rooms, special swimming pools and other facilities that aid these children develop, learn, play and interact with each other. Some of these special schools include; school for the blind, school

Nursing theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Nursing theory - Essay Example Orem’s nursing model recognizes universal self-care requirements namely, progressive self-care fundamentals, and health-deviation self- care basics. It evidences in importance of self-care and rehabilitation settings and encourages individual independence during treatments. Hence, self-care incorporates individuals own innovation and suitable implementation strategies for health improvement (Alligood, 2014). If a person takes full responsibility over his or her health, then self-care is achievable. Orem’s self-care theory explains complex interplay of patient’s psychological and socio-economic surroundings on health. Therefore, enlightens individuals to embrace appropriate life styles to minimize lifestyle diseases. Owing to the provisions Orem’s theory, nurse training takes into consideration the changing health care needs and teaches nurses to design issue specific nursing system for care delivery. The principal concepts of the theory identify self-care deficits and characterize individuals and nurse roles in addressing health demands. The components add to the nurses’ career skills to produce and efficiently manage the health scare systems. Therefore, the knowledge base enable nurses to determine extent of self-care need, assist clients to uphold a satisfactory state of self-care determine extent of nursing and utilize theories in practical cases. Since the nursing model centers on individuals capabilities, it helps nurses to conduct and empower people in order to promote healthy living. Dorothy Orem’s self-care system is an excellent education process component that helps students to learn the main health care concepts by examining individuals’ role or enhancing impressions of thought and feelings (Taylor & Renpenning 2011). Largely, the theory aims to overcome human  confines in the provision of nursing services and nursing education programs. The contemporary nursing

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Invitro Fertilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Invitro Fertilization - Essay Example There is no other life experience matching the birth of a baby in importance and significance. It is usually a devastating experience when couples wishing to start a family realize that they have to contend with fertility problems. For many such couples, in vitro fertilization has been a preferred solution as it gives them hopes of having their own child (Anderson, Haimovici, Ginsburg, Schust &Wayne, 2007). The first in vitro procedure that was successful was carried out in 1977 and thousands of happy and healthy children have been born each year since then. Infertility is a couples’ inability to have a kid or become pregnant with regardless of the cause after the duration of one year of having unprotected sex using no birth control methods. Infertility affects about six million people in the United States of America which accumulates to about ten percent of men and women of reproductive age. New and advanced technologies that help women become pregnant are in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer, subzonal sperm injection, partial zona dissection, embryo cryopreservation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection among others. Assisted reproductive technology is generally accepted treatment for infertile women suffering from endometriosis. Presence of an ovarian endometrial cyst works towards the reduction of the quality of oocytes. The surgical resection of endometrioma reduces the ovarian reserve for ovarian stimulation by exogenous gonadotropins. In vitro fertilization is a process whereby the ova is removed from a woman’s body, fertilized in the laboratory with her partner’s sperm and returned to her uterus with hopes of fostering pregnancy. Some practitioners use in vitro fertility combined with pre implantation genetic diagnosis as a treatment for recurring